Headquarter: 5, Via San Vitale
40026 - Imola (BOLOGNA) Italy
Tel: +39 0542 670170
mail: box@demetra.eu
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Terms and condition of use                             
The website  www.demetra.eu is a service owned by Demetra Italia Srl. Its use is consequently to the agreeing of terms and conditions of use indicated hereunder. Unless you agree to accept them, please do not use and do not download any materials from the site.
Declination of responsability
Demetra Italia Srl publishes information on his website with the purpose of providing a benefit to his visitors. In any cases, whoevere whishes to buy products must further verify the nature of the products and their suitability to the intended use.
Under no circumstances shall Demetra Italia Srl be held responsible for damage to property and/or injury resulting from the incorrect use of information inside his site. All the information may be inaccurate or containing typographical mistakes; as such, Demetra Italia Srl reserves the right to make changes on the website at any time.
Users assume all responsibility and all risk concerning the use of our website.
Privacy Policy - EU Regulation n. 2016/679
In connection with the entry into application of the General Regulation of Data Application EU 2016/679, Demetra Italia s.r.l. updated its information systems to the obligations established by this Law.
Demetra Italia s.r.l. with registered office at Via San Vitale, 5, 40026 Imola (BO), Italy,  C.F. 03107880373 e P.IVA 00596661207 (hereinafter the "Holder") acting as data controller, hereby informs users (hereinafter, the "Users") of its website www.demetra.eu (hereinafter, the "Site") that the data collected shall be used exclusively according to the modalities and for the purposes under this privacy policy, and according to the new Regulation (EU) 679/2016 on Data Protection (hereinafter GDPR).
Object of the treatment
The Holder shall process, according to this privacy policy, the following personal data collected through the Site.
A) personal data and contact details provided by the User at the time of registering with the Site.
B) data provided in case of requests of information or assistance by the User.
Purpose of your data processing:
The Holder shall process the Personal Data of the Users for the following purposes:
A) allow the use of the services offered through the Site.
B)  answering requests of information or assistance sent by the Users through the direct contact with members of the staff, agents, distributors or other subjects appointed by the Holder (hereinafter referred to as "Contractual Purposes").
C)  subject to the prior consent of the User, for sending direct marketing communications through traditional and electronic means including email, SMS, MMS, instant message systems, mobile applications, faxes, post and telephone (hereinafter “Marketing Purposes”).
Conservation deadlines:
Data will be kept for the necessary time to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and to determine possible liabilities that could derive from said purpose and the treatment of the data, all in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Legitimation in your data processing:
Data will be treated as per the established contract relationship.
Data communication:
Data could be given or reported, if needed, to:
A) Collaborators and employees duly authorized by the Holder.
B) Third party companies or other subjects (e.g. credit institutes, professional firms, consultants, insurance companies for the provision of insurance services, etc.) who carry out outsourcing activities on behalf of the Holder in their capacity as managers external treatment.
C)  Without any express consent according to art. 6 lett. b) and c) GDPR, the Holder  may communicate the User's data to Supervisory Bodies, Judicial Authorities as well as to those subjects to whom the communication is mandatory by law for
the said purposes.
These subjects will process the data in their capacity as independent data controllers.
Rights of the interested:
- Right to remove the consent at any time.
- Right to access, amend, carry and deletion of its data and restriction or objection to its treatment.
- Right to file a claim to the Control Authority, can be contacted at the web site http://www.garanteprivacy.it/ if treatment is considered not to be in accordance with the prevailing regulations.
How to exercise rights
You can exercise your rights at any time by sending:
- a registered letter to: Demetra Italia s.r.l. - Via San Vitale, 5, 40026 Imola (BO), Italy
- an e-mail addressed to: privacy@demetraitalia.it
Data of the Holder
Demetra Italia s.r.l. with registered office at Via San Vitale, 5, 40026 Imola (BO), Italy, C.F. 03107880373 and VAT number 00596661207 - tel .: +39 0542 670170 - fax: +39 0542 670004 - E-mail: privacy@demetraitalia.it - PEC: demetraitaliasrl@pec.it
People authorized for data processing are:
Collaborators and employees duly authorized by the Holder.
The updated list of people authorized is kept in our offices at Via delle Arti, 6, 40023 Castel Guelfo (BO), Italy.
                                                                                                                                                                     Demetra Italia s.r.l.

Demetra Italia s.r.l. | box@demetra.eu | tel. +39 0542 670170  | 5, Via San Vitale - Imola  (BO) Italy | Factory: 6, Via delle Arti - Castel Guelfo (BO) Italy | VAT: IT00596661207
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